Today we live in a world that upsets many. From climate change to poverty to war we face massive problems that for the sake of the planet, and its habitants, must be fixed.
But these issues are all so large and we as individuals often have little power to change the world. We can vote but we do not make the decisions on the issues that affect society.
Becoming an activist is about knowing you are not alone in caring for the planet. It is about standing up with others and making a statement. It is about pushing those with power towards making the concessions to both improve the world and instill a greater belief in the greater majority of our power to change the world.
Unlike work or school, no one is forcing you to be an activist. No one tells you to spend time fighting for a better world. In fact, for those in charge they would no doubt prefer if you did not care for politics because then they can continue to control your life.
Society today is run in the interests of those with the money, the capitalists. They own the companies we work for. Many of them walk away with massive profits from the work we do. They often also fund political parties that continue to rule against our interests and own newspapers whose editorial line reinforces the status quo.
Some will lead us to believe we live in a classless society. Yet, we have people who live in gated, security monitored communities while others live in ghetto like conditions and have to work multiple jobs. When we question society to harshly the systems protectors clamp down against us.
Politics is often seen as something politicians do in Canberra. But what they do there is make decisions about your life. Their decisions can have a big impact on your life, so it is important you defend your rights because if you don’t, who will?
Issues like your rights at work, school fees, affordable housing and helping the third world out of poverty are important to many. But ultimately we do not make the decisions that could address the problems of the world.
Building a society in which the people who are affected by the issues are able to make the decisions is what Socialism is ultimately about. It is a truly democratic society that values the rights of the greater majority over the minority that rules our world at present. It gives the chance for every individual to an equal chance at life.
So if you think the world is in need of fixing you should become an activist and to do this getting in touch with Resistance is a great start. Resistance is an Australia wide organization of young people who give a shit about the planet in which they live. They plan and collaborate with others to stand up for our rights and demand a better, more humane world.
Whether its by organizing a rally, educating others or getting involved in alternative newspaper, Green Left Weekly, Resistance members are aiming to make the kind of difference that can change the course of the world. But with each extra member Resistance can achieve so much more making us just that much closer to all of our aims.
So if you’re ready to make a difference to the world. Contact Resistance Today!
Check out the Resistance website at
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